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(SETI)^2 Summer Institute 2013: August 2-7, 2013, at Faith, SD
To apply to the STEM Enhancement Teacher Institute: Sustained, Effective Teacher Interaction or (SETI)2 workshop, please enter the information indicated below. The workshop will be held in Faith, SD and rooms are available. To avaiod the Faith Rodeo, we need to finish by August 7, so we will begin on the evening of Friday, August 2.
What is your school district?
What is your school district?
What is your school's zip code?
Contact Information: what is your name?
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
Please enter your home address and home phone and e-mail.
* Home Address 1 : 
   Home Address 2 : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* Home Phone : 
Home Email Address : 
Please enter your school address and school phone and e-mail.
* School Address 1 : 
   School Address 2 : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* School Phone : 
School Email Address : 
Correnspondence for this workshop will occur primarily though e-mail. Please indicate which email address you prefer to be used to contact you in Summer 2013:
Please indicate if you will be commuting or if you would like the (SETI)^2 2013 coordinators to provide you a room.
Please reserve a room for me.
I prefer to commute from home/friend's house.
Please list the courses you will likely teach during the next school year (2013/2014).
Please indicate the typical number of students you teach in a school year.
Several topics that SD teachers wanted help with were identified during a planning survey in December 2012 which Included topics such as instrumentation, nuclear processes and how to incorporate them in the new science standards. Do you have any topics you would like the (SETI)^2 summer institute to address?
Please write a brief statement of why you would like to participate in the (SETI)^2 2013 workshop and what you hope to gain by participating in it.
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